bemaxx blog

Strength training for women?
One of the biggest fears of many women is to build massive muscles through strength training and thus achieve a masculine stature. As a woman, you want to appear feminine, delicate and tight, no...

LOW-CARB diet: A self-experiment...
The topic of low-carb nutrition has long been present in the fitness and diet world. Many people swear by it and say it works wonders when it comes to definition, fat reduction and weight loss: ...

The end of the bikini figure?
Summer, sun, umbrella drinks, white sandy beaches: sounds great? It is...if only there wasn't the fear of losing your bikini figure, when you've subordinated everything to the goal of being in t...

Slim while you sleep? Pipe dream or reality?
It is often preached that the golden path to a body that is slim and defined lies mainly in two pillars: training more and eating less. However, what is often forgotten is that the body adapts t...

Papayas: An efficient fat burner?
This superfood is a sweet, delicious all-rounder! It has a lot of vitamin C, makes cellulite disappear, helps reduce inflammation in the body and is particularly rich in antioxidants. We're talk...

Skipping rope training – get the best results
We all know it by now - if you want to really boost your metabolism and burn a lot of calories and fat, then there is hardly anything more effective than an intensive cardio workout. But we also kn...